Rondel daggers
Versatile weapon appearing in the 12th century. The blade had many variants, such as triple edged blade that was used for piercing chainmail or thrusting into gaps in plate armor or helmet visors. All the forms of weapon are characterized by a strong narrow blade. The name comes from rounded disc-shaped guards flanking the grip.

forged, polished, weight 700g, blade length 26cm, overall length 38cm

forged, polished, weight 700g, blade length 26cm, overall length 38cm

13. - 15. century, forged, blade length 32cm, overall length 45cm, weight 500g

forged, matt, weight 700g, blade length 29cm, overall length 42cm

forged, matt, weight 700g, blade length 29cm, overall length 42cm

forged, polished, weight 700g, blade length 35cm

forged, matt, blade length 35cm, weight 700g